The perfect night time routine exists…

We cherish a good night time, that sweet sanctuary at the end of each day. It’s our haven.

Where we should, in theory, be enjoying our longest, most peaceful sleep. But the transition from day to night isn’t just about getting into bed. It’s about ending the day as beautifully as we started it, if not more so. Sure, the idea of a perfect night time routine might sound almost impossible. Perfection is never easy, and rightly so, our routines are as unique as we are. However, if there are pieces missing from your relaxing evening, you might not be ending the day as best you could. But, no judgment, we’re here to help.

So, what’s the secret to knowing you’re having a good night? Imagine that you’re headed to bed relaxed, a gentle smile on your face, and contentment in your heart. This sense of relaxation usually comes from self-care. That could mean a list of activities you pick for your personal well-being. For you, it could be soaking in a warm bath, with the scent of lavender in the air for a calm finish, or maybe it’s curling up with a cup of chamomile tea while reading your designated book of the month.

For others, a perfect evening is a good, balanced meal enjoyed a few hours before bed—nothing too heavy, nothing that sits uneasily or makes us feel bloated as we lay down. Or possibly, it’s about those precious moments of connection, whether that’s a heart-to-heart with your person or people, or the intimate act of journaling, pouring your thoughts onto paper.

And let’s not forget a calming playlist softly playing in the background, or taking deep breaths of a meditation session. It could even be a moment of reflection, motivation, or prayer. The beauty is, it can indeed be all of these things or a selection of few. The key is allowing yourself that space to have it.

Now, we know in our always-on world, it’s tempting to have our phones in our hands, scrolling through notifications, or maybe working on a last-minute presentation. We get it, truly, we do. But that blue light glaring back at us? It’s the thief of sleep, tricking our brains into thinking it’s still day. If disconnecting entirely isn’t in the cards (and let’s be real, sometimes it just isn’t), blue light glasses can be a real game-changer. It keeps our sleep sensors more in tune with the night.

It’s essential that we approach our routine not as a checklist to be followed rigidly but as a gentle guide with room for flexibility. The focus here is on creating a series of moments. These small joys can tell our bodies and minds that it’s time to wind down, to release the day’s tensions, and embrace the quiet of the night.

Remember that the goal isn’t to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s more about picking what works for you personally; practices that guide you towards rest. That way, we’re not just ending the day; we’re enjoying this little life, one night at a time.


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