Lift your mood with the color of your clothing

There’s something special about how the colors we wear can reflect our moods, but what’s even more interesting is how they can actually lift our mood. We’ve noticed that every color around us has the ability to make us feel a certain way. Think about when you see a bright blue sky. Doesn’t it just make you feel calm and happy? Almost hopeful even. That’s exactly what color psychology is. We can use this knowledge to pick out clothes that do more than just look good. They make us feel good, too.

For example, when we pick a sunny yellow shirt, it’s not just because it looks cheerful. We’re actually giving ourselves a little burst of happiness. And on days when we need to feel a bit more confident and strong, we might choose something red. It’s all about picking the right color to help us feel the way we want to.

So, the next time you’re choosing what to wear, think about how the colors make you feel. We think it’s a great way to help your clothes work on your mood. Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as color can do so much?

Now, we know that a lot of us have a soft spot for neutral colors, which is fine. They’re like the comfortable pair of shoes that we never get tired of wearing. But, we think it’s about time we step out of that comfort zone. We’re here to gently put you on to trying brighter colors. Trust us, it’s not as intimidating as it seems, and the effect is worth it.

Here are some examples of colors and the moods we think they might inspire. A lush green could remind us of nature, bringing a sense of calm and renewal. Radiant orange might feel like a burst of energy and creativity, perfect for those days when we need a little push to get things moving. And for a color like soft pink, it’ll wrap us in warmth and love, making everything seem just a bit brighter.

Now, we know the idea of diving headfirst into a lifestyle of bright colors might be a bit much. That’s where our neutral colors come into play. They’re the perfect blank canvas for us to experiment with. You don’t have to commit to an all-oxblood outfit right away; we say start small, with a vibrant accessory other than the usual black purse. 

Moving on, please remember that fashion is our playground. When we use brighter colors, even in the smallest doses, we’re opening up to a world of possibilities – not just in how we look, but in how we feel. It’s about expressing ourselves and, most importantly, giving our mood that gentle nudge it might need. After all, a splash of color can sometimes be the best kind of therapy.

Remember, we’re all open to try new things. Playing with colors is one thing we’d be adding on to our list the next time we’re shopping for clothes. 


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