You Need to Try These Homemade Juice Recipes to Reduce Bloating

Do you ever just feel like you’re wasting your time with those abs exercises? It’s like no matter what we do, there’s just that belly! But little do we know that we’re just bloated most of the time. It creeps up on us, especially after that pasta meal.

We know we’re not alone in this because we’ve seen the snaps, and we know that if there’s pasta on the menu, it’s like an invisible force pulls you toward it. Nothing to be ashamed of – who can resist a bowl of perfectly cooked lobster and pasta? We can’t, and neither should you. 

However, a number of other things keep us bloated like gas, constipation, hormones and some are still in denial that we are lactose and gluten intolerant. The rest of us just need to learn to eat slower and our bloating problems will be gone. 

We’ve done some research on this bloating situation and found out that we don’t necessarily have to change our diet but we can add to it. Somebody say hallelujah!

We are going all-in on homemade juice recipes specifically curated to reduce bloating. They’re like magical elixirs that will have our tummy feeling relaxed and comfortable in no time. Plus, they are delicious and refreshingly satisfying. A win is a win!

Let’s jump right into it, shall we? Grab your notes. 

First on our list, the Cooling Cucumber Mint drink. Simply blend together a peeled cucumber, a handful of mint leaves, and the juice of one lemon with a cup of water. After blending, strain the mixture, pour over ice, and there you have  yourself a refreshing beverage.

Our next favorite, Pineapple Ginger juice, takes you on a tropical vacation. Blend a cup of fresh pineapple, a 1-inch piece of grated ginger, and a cup of coconut water. Add in a tablespoon of chia seeds and give them a 10-15 minutes break to get all puffed up before drinking.

Another one we love is the Fennel Citrus mix. Blend together a sliced fennel bulb, a peeled and segmented orange, and, if you like a touch of sweetness, a teaspoon of honey with a cup of cold water. Celery is a good substitute for fennel if you can’t find it at your grocery store.

Those are our top picks, but we’re also throwing in three other drinks that are just as great. It’s just for the girls that prefer simpler blends: Cucumber-Ginger-Lemon Juice, Pineapple-Apple-Green Juice, and Watermelon-Lime Juice. Their making procedure is pretty simple; just blend the listed ingredients until smooth, and that’s it.

Now remember, although you can strain these juices, we encourage you to keep all the goodness of the fibers. After all, the fiber will love your digestive system just as much as you love that pasta. 

So go ahead, and try these juice recipes, tag us in the Instagram stories and let us know how you feel afterwards.


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