Mind, body, and soul. Explore everything from meditation to alternative medicine to help you achieve balance and wellbeing.

24-year old woman shares her story about living with severe PCOS
September is PCOS Awareness Month, and we believe it’s a topic that doesn’t receive enough attention in society. We, at NayLiving, hope to create a

15 Positive affirmations to get you through bad days
Life is a blend of highs and lows, good days and bad. As much as we love the good moments,

Yes, we need to start weight-training. Here’s why
In recent years, we’ve seen the gym looking a lot more different than before. We’ve noticed that the girlies are

How you can attract and cultivate healthy friendships
We’ve all had our fair share of toxic friendships, haven’t we? Some of us have dealt with unhealthy and quite

How we avoid projecting hurt and trauma on to others
These days, words like trauma, projecting, and self-reflection are buzzing everywhere. It’s almost like someone spilled the details from their

The guide to having an anxiety-free solo date
The fear of being out alone by yourself is a very real thing and you’re not alone in feeling this

Morning stretches: Why you should start your day with them
You know that moment when you wake up, let out a big yawn, and impulsively stretch your arms and legs?

Our favourite breakfast spots in Lagos
One thing we absolutely love about Lagos is its diversity. Lagos is constantly buzzing with a vibrant variety of routines.

How to choose the perfect body lotion for you
We think we all put so much effort into caring for our faces—moisturisers, serums, masks, you name it. But when

High fibre foods to add to your diet and why
As we get older, we find ourselves becoming more mindful of our health. One aspect that needs more attention is