Mind, body, and soul. Explore everything from meditation to alternative medicine to help you achieve balance and wellbeing.

24-year old woman shares her story about living with severe PCOS
September is PCOS Awareness Month, and we believe it’s a topic that doesn’t receive enough attention in society. We, at NayLiving, hope to create a

The friendship red flags you can’t ignore
Have you ever heard the saying that if people show you how they are the first time, believe them? Yeah,

Nay’s Travelogue: My visit to Accra, Ghana
I love to travel. It gives me the opportunity to explore different cities, villages, lifestyles, cultures and values even. Also,

What’s the Pheromone perfume craze about?
Scent has a big role to play in our everyday interactions. And we’ve always known this. It’s why your partner’s

The key to starting all over again
There’s been a lot of conversation around starting all over again on the internet. A lot of us have stayed

3 physical activities to improve flexibility— if you stay consistent
Since the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, we think that many of us have found out that our daily mobility

The truth about skincare gummies
When it comes to skincare supplements and gummies, we’ve all had our reservations. Let’s be honest, the whole concept seemed

Niche vs. Designer Perfumes: Which is right for you?
Growing up, some of us remember the hype around designer perfumes. It’s almost all we knew when it came to

Five rumoured safest countries in the world in 2024
Finding safe travel destinations can feel like a challenge these days. Places we once considered ideal and dreamed of visiting

Here’s why Avocados should be on your grocery list
Is there any fruit or vegetable that has gained as much street credibility in recent years as the avocado? We