The Travel Essentials You Need for Your Next Solo Trip

As much as we love girl trips and group trips in general, we can’t deny that solo trips have a different vibe compared to traveling with people. More of us are indulging in more intimate adventures, enjoying the freedom that comes with going off into the unknown on our own. It’s almost daring. But we can admit that while we’re full of excitement, that tiny voice at the back of our minds whispers worries about safety and loneliness. That’s completely normal. But there are certain travel essentials that we can carry along to make us feel prepared for a solo trip like a boss!

One of our first must-haves is a collection of safety items. Your life is the most valuable thing you own; keep it secure! We’re not trying to sound like an overprotective mother but we want you around for as long as possible. Please don’t overlook items like a portable door lock – these nifty devices can offer an extra level of security in your accommodation. Tasers or foldable pocket knives could come in handy too. We like to check local laws and always keep them in our checked luggage if we’re flying!

A solo trip causes different emotions and feelings in us, especially if it’s your first time traveling alone. Your mental well-being is just as important. And trust us, a journal is an ideal companion to manage this. We always feel good documenting our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, painting a picture of our journey. Later, we can look back on it with a smile!

The next essential to have, for the content creators or any of us that need the perfect picture for the gram, so consider carrying a portable tripod. Selfies are great, but wouldn’t it be fantastic to get that whole panoramic view behind you into the shot too? Trust us; there’s nothing like it.

Traveling solo doesn’t mean we have to be totally disconnected. We all have times when we want to check in with the world or maybe upload an Instagram picture to grace the timeline a little. There are portable WiFi routers that will ensure that we stay connected in over 160 countries.

Our solo trip is all about independence, and part of that includes managing any surprises life may throw our way by ourselves. Please remember, having travel insurance can save us from stress and financial hassle. So let’s stay one step ahead, and make sure we’re covered.

While we’re on the topic of staying ready or prepared, a safety alarm can add to our sense of security. Especially when we’re walking alone in a new city or area, it’d be good to have this as a quick way of calling attention if we need it. Hopefully we don’t.

Solo travel can be so transformative and full of sweet discoveries, about the world, and more so about ourselves. The feeling of standing in a foreign land, self-reliant, taking on adventures on your own terms – it’s indescribable! So here’s to our journey of self-discovery and to experiencing the blessing that is  solo travel. And always remember, being alone isn’t equal to loneliness; it’s an expression of self-love!

So let’s embrace the joy of missing out, and discovering new things, by ourselves!


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