A Morning Routine That Works Just for You

Most times, our mornings set the tone for the rest of our days, so we want to make sure we start them out right and seamlessly. Take a deep breath. Your mornings don’t have to be as stressful as they currently are. If you’re not a morning person, like some of us, you should definitely keep reading.

One of the ways to have a great morning is by having a routine tailored just for you. This way, when you say “good morning” and actually mean it.

Prioritize sleep: We bet you didn’t see that coming. Sleeping for longer hours at night allows you to wake up energized, as opposed to shorter hours that leave you tired and grumpy. It might take a bit of planning, but we advise cutting out stressful activities as your day comes to an end.

Set your alarm: While we know you like to live wild and free, you can’t always trust the universe to wake you up at your preferred time. Set your alarm at least an hour and thirty minutes before you have to get productive. This way, you can have some time to get your mind right.

Drink water to rehydrate in the morning: It’s important to keep a bottle of water by your bedside each night – you want it to be within reach as soon as you wake up.

Make a to-do list: Plan out all you need to do throughout the day. You can use a simple reminder app to keep track of the activities you need to complete. We prefer this method over taking a mental note.

Get Up: This is where you actually get out of bed and make it to give yourself a clean space to operate. We also like to stretch our bodies and take a walk around the house. Moving around to open the blinds and unlock the doors is a great way to wake your mind and body up.

Have a cup of coffee or tea: After rehydrating with a glass of water, a cup of coffee or tea will be a great energy booster to start your day.

For an extra pump of energy, you can call up a loved one, say a prayer, listen to a podcast, or play some music. With that said, we wish you a good morning and a great day!


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