The Sunshine Vitamin: How Vitamin D Can Help Manage Psoriasis Symptoms

Many of us have dealt with psoriasis or are still dealing with it. No one loves feeling itchy and flaky but there’s  no shame in having skin conditions, because everyone does at some point or the other. Just like girls dealing with acne, rosacea, or hyperpigmentation, we are all uniquely beautiful. A little issue like this is just a hurdle, nothing that can’t be taken care of with some skincare and healthy lifestyle choices.

So what’s psoriasis, anyway? Without getting too fancy and scientific, Psoriasis is like a mix-up in our body’s messaging system. Normally, our body sends signals to tell our skin cells how fast to grow. But in psoriasis, these signals get confused, telling our skin cells to grow much faster than they need to. Basically, leading to a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. They’re usually itchy, scaly or inflamed. It’s not pretty or comfortable but we found an ingredient that would help soothe our skin – Vitamin D!

Did your mom always make you take those cod liver oil capsules? Well, mine did. And that’s where we get a big portion of our Vitamin D from, along with sunlight, of course. 

Even though Vitamin D doesn’t get as much PR as Vitamin C does, it is just as great for our skin as it is our bones, especially when it comes to managing psoriasis. Now as a topical cream, it helps slow down the speed at which those skin cells grow, reducing scales and making skin smoother. Trust me, it works! 

While creams and lotions work from the outside, we also need to work on the inside. This should be fun, except you’re a picky eater. Adding Vitamin D to our diet would mean fish, eggs, dairy and cereals, our bodies will be soaking up all that nutrition and giving our skin some love. However, if you’re lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy, we’re sure you can find some vegan options or other alternatives.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor or a dietician to know for sure how much vitamin D is just right for you, because, let’s be real, we’re not all built the same and neither are our bodies. It’s always better to understand what we need specifically.

Also, we mean this with the utmost love and respect—we’re grown now  and should really start taking our multivitamins seriously. We’d prefer that you get prescribed by your health professional, because oral supplements are also a wonderful way to up your Vitamin D intake. 

Most importantly, each one of you is beautiful, with or without psoriasis. Our bodies are works in progress, and we can always turn to simple yet effective remedies to soothe them and make us feel comfortable in our skin. You really are beautiful!


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