What to do to stay positive when things get tough

Do you ever feel like you’re on a never ending rollercoaster? One that takes pauses as though the ride is finally over then the engine starts off again just as soon as you’re about to take a breath of relief, flinging you without warning? As dramatic as our illustration was, this is real and we’ve all been there at some point, for some of us, more than once. And  it’s important that we remember that no matter how hard it gets, we are all capable of weathering that storm. One thing that has always helped us get through tough times is positivity. But let’s be honest, staying positive isn’t always easy, is it? A lot of the time, it could even get unrealistic or irritating. So, what can we do to spark that joy alive even in downtimes?

First off, think about the people around you. Surrounding ourselves with positive people. You know how they say we are the average of the five people we spend most of our time with? We think there’s actually a whole lot of truth to that! 

Positive people inspire us to be the best version of ourselves. When we are around people who are joyful, the joy finds a way of rubbing off on us. Not to mention how a sweet word here or a kind gesture there can light up our entire day. So let’s try to be intentional about finding such people who lift us up. And while we’re at it, let’s also aim to be those kinds of people for others as well.

Podcasts! There are some podcasts where people talk about how they got through their difficult times. Hearing these can be really motivational because, just like you and us, they’ve gone through hard times and came out the other side, stronger and better. It makes us realize that we are not alone. We believe that there’s a world full of positivity and motivation awaiting you. Whether it’s about dealing with difficulties, building resilience, or finding inner strength, there are countless stories out there, all wrapped up in a little podcast that we can turn to when the storm feels a bit too heavy to handle alone.

We also like a community of people that have gone through a similar situation. Just like seeking inspiration from others who’ve gone through similar storms. Remember, you’re not alone. Millions of people have faced hardships, and guess what? They’ve come out stronger on the other side. Listening to their experiences, their stories of struggle and victory, can give us the reassurance that the storm is temporary and that sunshine always follows rain. This way we can stay positive.

Do you remember the last time something truly made you smile, or sparked joy? We need to be intentional about finding more of those things, activities that spark joy, that make you forget the tough situation outside, even if for a little while. It could be drawing, playing a sport, listening to your favorite music, watching a feel-good movie… There are a million little triggers of happiness waiting for you to explore.

Lastly, allow yourself to feel, because it’s okay. But try not to dwell on the difficulties, okay? It’s only natural to feel down during a storm, but we have to remember that it doesn’t last forever. 

Above all, please always keep in mind that we will be okay, eventually. That’s the mantra we need to hold on to. Be kind to yourself and those around you. This storm is just a part of our journey. We think of it as a bridge that we have to cross to get to the other side. So we can brave the storm together, with the positivity and resilience that we know we’re capable of.

We’re cheering for you!


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