Self-care activities to get through stressful days

We all go through those rough days in life that seem a little hard to get through. We’re all in this together, and there are some simple self-care activities we can do to spark joy in our lives.

First off, we love to sing our hearts out in the shower. Singing along to our perfectly curated playlist is one of our favorite self-care activities. It’s one of the most freeing feelings ever. And if you’re more of a soak-in-the-bath type of person, you can light up some candles to add a little extra sparkle to your day. 

From time to time, we find joy in taking a trip down memory lane. Instead of scrolling through Instagram, why not go through those hilarious and random videos you have with your loved ones? You know, the ones that always make you smile. If you don’t have many of those memories saved up, this is your sign to start. Let’s capture and preserve those beautiful moments at every stage of your life. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Something else we think is very essential to us is to create our own affirmations. You can repeat them as many times as you can throughout the day. It’s like giving your heart a warm hug from the inside.

We’ve also given thought to volunteering. Sometimes, when we reach out and help others, it brings a whole new perspective and appreciation for what we have. Plus, the experiences and smiles you collect along the way are truly irreplaceable.

We know it’s tough, but try putting your phone, TV, and earphones away for just 10 to 15 minutes. Let’s just be in the moment and breathe. You can do this at any time of your day. We prefer to do this when we’re at the peak of stress and genuinely need a break.

This next suggestion is more adventurous than the rest. We’re talking about rearranging our room or cleaning up our space. A change of scenery, even if it’s just moving your bed to the other side of the room, can uplift your mood.

By now, we can only hope that you’re not tired of us telling you to work out more. But, it’s only because of how good it is for us. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Why not try a different kind, like tennis, swimming, or even basketball? Let’s do something different and see how it feels.

Here’s a little encouragement from us to you: plan a friendship date. It could be with your partner, your bestie, or a family member. We can order some food, have deep honest conversations, or just watch a movie together. Even if you’re not feeling 100% up to it, please give it a try. It’s these moments that count the most.

Lastly, this would be the perfect time to pick up a book and rekindle our reading culture. We mean fiction, where you can live in another world entirely just for a brief moment. We’d rather you pick one with a happy ending because life can be sad enough. We could ask our reader friends or book clubs for recommendations.

Remember, it’s the simple things that can bring us the most joy and comfort during tough times. Please keep in mind that our suggestions are not a one-size-fit-all but hopefully you get our point. We’re all on this journey together, so let’s make the best of it with little acts of self-care that warm our hearts and spark up joy. Keep smiling, keep shining, and let’s share a bit of that kindness with ourselves and those around us.


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