If You Suffer from Body Dysmorphia, Read This

Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt deeply displeased with your reflection? Have you ever dreamed of reaching a weight goal, achieved it, but still felt dissatisfied with your body? If yes, then you might be suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, commonly known as Body Dysmorphia. It’s basically when we obsess over that slight imperfection or “flaw” of our bodies.

This word “disorder” seems like a big word, and we might think it doesn’t apply to us. But when we have symptoms of low self-esteem, avoid interacting with people because we don’t want to be seen, or are constantly trying to hide our supposed flaws, then this disorder, which is body dysmorphia, is something we’re suffering from.

Most times, we take steps to try and correct them, whether it’s losing weight or gaining weight, or clearing stretch marks, filling hip dips, and many more—this is perfectly fine. But what happens when you’re not able to correct them? What about when you correct them and still don’t feel better about yourself?

We remember a story of one of our sisters who was always told that she was fat as a child. Even though she was bigger than her other peers, the manner in which she was told about her weight, even by her family, shattered her self-esteem. She went on to lose weight by working out and cutting her portions as a teenager, but even when she got way thinner, she’d always see herself as a fat person. She never felt beautiful no matter who complimented her—in her mind, she was still a fat girl.

On a normal day, we would have several steps to advise you to take, but this time we have one, and it’s the most important—love yourself. Embrace your imperfections and appreciate your uniqueness. It is easier said than done, but it can be done. Look into the mirror and throw compliments at yourself, whether you believe it or not. 

Learn about people who have struggled with BDD and practice what they did to conquer it. Reach out to them and share your struggles too. Sometimes talking to someone who can relate to us, can help make you feel seen in this big world. Remember that BDD is a mental disorder, which means that it is all in your head, so that’s where you should first start the healing process before trying to change the physical things. Because if you don’t fix the mental depiction of your body, you’d never appreciate yourself even after the changes are made. 

We’re all in this together, and just so you know, we believe that you are beautiful with a complimentary side of stunning!


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