Nay’s Travelogue: My visit to Accra, Ghana

I love to travel. It gives me the opportunity to explore different cities, villages, lifestyles, cultures and values even. Also, I travel for several reasons– adventure, art, weddings, birthday trips and maybe to see what the hype of a place is, once in a while. That also determines where I visit sometimes. However, one thing that brings me to Ghana, specifically the beautiful city of Accra, is peace of mind. I guess they weren’t wrong to refer to their country as the “island of peace”in the midst of the chaotic regions in Africa.

Accra being forty-five minutes away from Lagos, Nigeria is a gift that I’ve grown to appreciate. I’ll describe it as a forty-five minute journey away from home. The thing I love the most about the city is how similar Nigerians and Ghanaians are. I believe that’s where the playful banter comes from—being so similar yet so different and that goes beyond the recipe of our jollof. 

Accra is a place that accommodates my calm personality. It’s slow paced and for someone like me, it allows me to be present. It’s lovely to visit from the bustling city of Lagos, and find solace in the city of Accra. It is why I describe it as my home away from home—my escape. Although, I wish their customer service was a bit faster.

Asides what the city feels like to me, I also love the people, their humility and modest way of living, the way they speak and am on a mission to learn the lingo.  I do have some friends in the city who have been given that task but they definitely need to do better.

Now, usually, I would have loved to recommend to you a list of places to visit in the city apart from restaurants but honestly, when I’m in Accra, I’m mostly indoors. I wouldn’t describe myself as one who finds fun in conventional spaces. My fun is found in quieter spaces. Truthfully, just being in Accra, away from the noise, is enough fun to me. But, I do have a few recommendations for the restaurant hoppers. 

For breakfast, my go-to spots are Cafe Kwae and Rose Garden, followed by lunch at Bistro 22. Afterwards,  my friends and I have dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Kozo for their Fried rice. Furthermore, I’ll add in an extra recommendation for my fellow Sushi lovers: Rockefellas. I’m also a creature of habits so I haven’t tried a lot of local foods. But I love Waakye–a Ghanaian dish made from rice and beans cooked in sorghum leaves. 

After four years of frequently visiting Accra, the city will always be a home to me—a warm sense of calm. And I hope you get to experience the warmth whenever you decide to visit. In fact, the city might be a totally different experience for you but I hope it’s as positive as mine. Oh and if you’ve already been, let me know how your trip was.


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