The truth about skincare gummies

When it comes to skincare supplements and gummies, we’ve all had our reservations. Let’s be honest, the whole concept seemed a bit off, right? Maybe it was because we hadn’t done our research properly. Recently, we decided to look into the world of skincare gummies. Our friend, Psalmuel Josephs of 25 Pskyn, has recently launched his own line of skincare gummies, and we had an eye-opening conversation with him about the entire subject. Psalmuel, a Cosmetic Formulator and Aesthetics practitioner specialised in managing skincare and aesthetic concerns in ethnic skin, had some great insights to share.

We’ve always believed that skincare is a two-fold journey: it’s about what you put on your skin and what you put into your body. Topical treatments are essential, for sure, but we never want to underestimate the power of what goes into our stomachs. We believe that gut health is everything. We’ve even learnt that maintaining a balanced diet that’s rich in vitamins and nutrients, means our skin thrives naturally. With that, we don’t even have to stress about topical products as much.

Here’s where skincare gummies come into play. Some of these gummies are designed to deal with specific skin issues. For instance, some are dedicated to boosting zinc levels or vitamin C intake. Others focus on balancing hormones, which is particularly beneficial for women. Given the hormonal roller coaster our bodies endure, it’s essential to have supplements that help smooth out these fluctuations. We’ve found out that that reduces hormonal acne. Like Psalmuel would say, it’s all science. We agree!

However, you need to know of the nutrients your body lacks before trying out any supplements. Too much of anything is bad, and overloading on supplements can have its downsides. So, if you’ve ever wondered why a supplement didn’t work for you, it might be because you didn’t need it or you were taking the wrong dosage. 

We aren’t entirely closed off to skincare supplements and gummies, but we’re cautious. We make sure to scrutinise the product ingredients, consult with our nutritionist or dermatologist, and then see how it goes. 

Remember, we’re all in this together. It’s not about dictating what’s right or wrong, but rather exploring options and learning from each other’s journeys.

In a world obsessed with quick fixes, it’s refreshing to find a middle ground where science meets nature in a gummy form. And with experts like Psalmuel Josephs guiding us, we feel more confident in taking a step towards these supplements. So, whether you’re curious or sceptical, we encourage you to look closely at the options available and consult a professional to understand what your skin truly needs.

In conclusion, we think skincare gummies might be worth a try. They offer a new way to care for our skin from the inside out, focusing on gut health, vitamins and nutrients, and hormonal balance. Plus gummies are fun! Let’s approach this journey with an open mind and a discerning eye, ensuring we’re doing what’s best for our unique skin needs. Here’s to glowing skin and shared experiences!


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