The friendship red flags you can’t ignore

Have you ever heard the saying that if people show you how they are the first time, believe them? Yeah, a lot of us tend to turn a blind eye most of the time. We know this because every time we’ve told our friendship horror stories, people ask us how we never saw the red flags or signs long before. And honestly, we probably did but didn’t think much of it. We usually hear about red flags in romantic relationships but we should be paying just as much attention to the red flags in friendships as well. This way we can save ourselves from a potential friendship disaster and focus on building and nurturing those healthy connections and relationships. But here are the red flags to look out for. Now, if you notice any of these, get out of there immediately.

First on our list is horrible communication. Now, this one is tricky because it can be made to seem less serious than it actually is. But what it should be called is what it actually is, which is a lack of open communication, consistent one-sided conversations, gossip, spreading rumors about their other friends, and disrespectful communication styles. We all know that good communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. When this is missing, you’re left feeling unheard and undervalued.

Next, we have a lack of consistency, jealousy, and hints of bitterness towards you. Now, these ones are subtle. Friends with these red flags always have an excuse for why they can’t show up for you. They drop snide comments and always downplay your wins and the things that matter to you. However, they feel happy when things go wrong for you. It’s like they feed off your misfortunes, and honestly, who needs that kind of negativity? We all deserve friends who cheer for us, who are there in both good times and bad, without any hidden agendas.

Last but definitely not least is a lack of respect for your personal boundaries, opinions, and feelings, leaving you feeling pressured or manipulated. Here are some examples: When a friend shares your private details without your consent. Dismissing your emotions as overreactions or unimportant. Not allowing you to fully express your thoughts. Making fun of your ideas or beliefs. Gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and giving ridiculous ultimatums. Honestly, the list of friendship red flags goes on and on. Boundaries are not just a buzzword; they are essential for mutual respect and understanding. And, if there’s one thing to prioritise in all our friendships is healthy boundaries.

The thing about red flags in friendships is that they’re subtle but also glaring. You should always trust your gut feeling. Trust your instincts and put yourself first. It’s okay to walk away from friendships that no longer serve your well-being. We think that life is too short to be surrounded by toxic people.

Remember, it’s all about surrounding ourselves with people who uplift and support us. We think focusing on positive, healthy relationships is the key to a fulfilling life. So, if you spot these red flags, don’t hesitate to make a move. Your future self will thank you.

So, the next time you find yourself in a friendship that doesn’t feel quite right, listen to your intuition and flee for the hills. Here’s to healthier, happier friendships! 


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